Course: HDX-NEW-2024 HCL Digital Experience What's New in 2024
Lesson: DX CF224
In this lesson, you will learn details on what was delivered in HCL Digital Experience CF224 for both containerized and traditional deployments.
This includes
All Digital Experience Versions (8.5, 9.0, 9.5)
- AI Translation and Workflow capabilities in WCM
- Disabled SSL hostname verification
- Presentation Designer
- DXClient - LiveSync Pull and Push commands for WCM Design Library
- Support for portlets built and published by Volt MX Iris
- Notice of deprecation of Rich Text Editor
Digital Experience 8.5 and 9.0 Versions
- Extended Support option now available for DX versions 8.5 and 9.0
- Automatically apply 9.5 from a later CF installation
Digital Experience 9.5 Container Version
- DX Compose - New offering
- DAM - New UI theme
- DAM - Cross-CF staging
- Search V2 - New search interface
- People Service
- New topic for configuring of hostAliases for DX Pods
- New guidance for rendering in the upper limit of a single-node configuration
- Notice of deprecation of non-OCI-based registry for Harbor Helm chart repository
Notice of deprecation of customized OpenLDAP container in a later CF
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