HCL Unica
Unica is a cloud-native fully integrated enterprise marketing automation platform that provides precision marketing at scale
The powerful Unica solution helps businesses run their marketing activities more efficiently. It provides users with advanced data processing, analytics capabilites and campaign management on one platform. Marketers can visualize customer journeys, personalize outbound and inbound campaigns and gain better insights. It also offers real-time decisioning tools. All of these capabilities are integrated with a common UI.
HCL Unica
Unica is a cloud-native fully integrated enterprise marketing automation platform that provides precision marketing at scale
The powerful Unica solution helps businesses run their marketing activities more efficiently. It provides users with advanced data processing, analytics capabilites and campaign management on one platform. Marketers can visualize customer journeys, personalize outbound and inbound campaigns and gain better insights. It also offers real-time decisioning tools. All of these capabilities are integrated with a common UI.
Learning Journeys
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Unica Campaign Administration
Administrator – Future Education
Unica Interact Fundamentals
Creating real-time interactions with your customers End-user – Future Education
Unica Campaign Fundamentals
Creating Amazing Outbound Campaigns End-user – Future Education
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