HCLSoftware Certified Expert Developer - Volt MX 9.5
Make your mark. Develop your own business industry specific web and mobile application. Earn your certification.
HCL Volt MX 9.5
Submission Fee
Language: English
The HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer certification is for expert developers who have hands-on experience on building cross-platform application using HCL Volt MX 9.5.
An HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer can build both Mobile and Web applications that illustrate a concrete understanding and key execution of product development principles. Creation of these applications include reading and writing data using HCL Volt MX Iris & Foundry.

Precertification Requirements
The HCL Volt MX 9.5 Associate Developer certification and the HCL Volt MX 9.5 Professional Developer certification are pre-certification requirements to attempt this HCLSoftware Certified Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer certification.
What education is required to get started building my applications?
To aid in your background education and understanding of HCL Volt MX, it is highly recommended that you complete all the trainings available at HCLSoftware U for HCL Volt MX. This training is optional (highly recommended) but is not mandatory to achieve the HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer badge.
How will my project be scored?
Candidates will submit their projects to the HCLSoftwareU for review. HCLSoftwareU will verify whether every requirement mentioned in the HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Rubric is implemented or not.
Candidates whose projects have all the requirements mentioned in the HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Rubric implemented earn HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Badge.
How much does it cost?
The HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Certification is free and no cost!
Who can participate?
All HCLSoftware Certified Volt MX 9.5 Professional Developers who have hands-on experience building cross-platform applications using HCL Volt MX can participate in the HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Certification.
Entry is open to Business Partners, Customers, HCL employees, and Volt MX enthusiasts.
Note: The HCL Volt MX 9.5 Associate Developer certification and HCL Volt MX 9.5 Professional Developer certification are precertification requirement to attempt this HCLSoftware Certified Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer certification.
How do I earn the HCL Volt MX Certified Expert Developer Badge?
The HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer badge is earned when an applicant creates a project that passes all requirements as specified in the HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer Rubric.
Applicants will be required to develop both a Mobile and a Responsive Web application that contains key functionality requirements that demonstrate your working knowledge and skills using HCL Volt MX Iris and Foundry.
To create your mobile and web applications, first think of a Business Industry that would benefit from what you will create. Build a use case for how the application will fulfill a need for the selected industry. The Mobile application will allow you to select data from one source and save it to a different data source. The Web application will show an aggregate view of the data you’ve saved.
The application that is part of the HCL Volt MX Bootcamp training is an example of an application that satisfies all the requirements for the HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Expert Developer certification.
How am I awarded my badge?
Candidates will be awarded their Credly digital badge within 5 business days of earning the certification.
Are there any other awards?
Those candidates who supply especially captivating and powerful mobile and responsive web applications that clearly demonstrate their development skills and the capabilities of HCL Volt MX product will be selected to receive special recognition in the HCLSoftwareU.
If selected, your photo, bio, and project details will be highlighted on the HCLSoftwareU website. We will also promote your project as a demo to customers and partners seeking to understand features, functions, and capabilities across industries.
I'm excited! What's the next step?
Start your Volt MX 9.5 Developer Certification Journey today!
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