HCLSoftware Certified Professional Developer - Volt MX 9.5
Learn more about this certification and resources that can help you get ready.
HCL Volt MX 9.5
Exam Fee
Language: English
This certification exam is for individuals who have experience working in a developer role using HCL Volt MX 9.5. This certification is the second level of your HCL Volt MX certification journey.

Who should take this exam?
This certification exam is for individuals who have the following:
- This certification exam is for individuals who have experience working in a developer role using HCL Volt MX 9.5.
- This certification is the second level of your HCL Volt MX certification journey.
- Here is how we define a developer role,
- Design significant aspects of front-end application using Volt MX Iris.
- Develop the functionality in the front-end application using low-code capabilities in Iris as well as pro-code capabilities of Iris.
- Develop reusable code modules.
- Develop integrations between front-end application and Foundry services.
- Develop native function interfaces and integrations with third party libraries in front-end application.
- Develop configurations for various services in Foundry.
- Developer custom code in Volt MX Foundry.
How do I earn this certification?
- To take the HCL Volt MX 9.5 Professional Certification Exam, one of the following requirements must be met:
- 5+ years of product experience
- previous Kony Certification
- passed the HCL VMX 9.5 Associate Developer Certification
If you meet requirement number 1 or 2, ensure that you have sent your required proof to ds.academy@hcl.com before proceeding with scheduling and payment of this exam.
- To earn this certification, you must pass the exam HCLSoftware Certified HCL Volt MX 9.5 Professional Developer (HCL-VMX-PDEV-95).
- Details about the exam format, scoring and exam preparation content can be found in the exam guide. Download the exam guide from below link.
What skills are measured in this certification?
- The HCLSoftware certified Volt MX 9.5 developer must demonstrate professional level skills associated with developing applications using the Volt MX 9.5 product in areas such as,
- UI design
- UX
- IRIS low code capabilities
- IRIS widgets and data format
- IRIS coding
- Foundry
- Foundry SDK
- UI design
- Foundry custom code
- Application technical requirements
- IRIS extensibility
- Foundry extendibility and Marketplace components
How do I prepare for the exam?
- It is recommended to complete the HCL Volt MX 9.5 self-paced training available on HCLSoftware U. Access the HCL Volt MX 9.5 self-paced training using the below link.
HCL Volt MX 9.5 self-paced training - Additional exam preparation resources are available in the exam guide. Access the exam guide from below link.
Download the exam guide - These resources and additional training are not required before taking the exam but are highly recommended opportunities to learn from experts and expand on your knowledge.
Exam at a glance
- Level: Professional
- Time duration for answering the 24 questions: 60 minutes
- Total exam time duration: 75 minutes
- Total Score: 83
- Passing Score: 58
- Passing Percentage: 70%
- Format: 24 multiple choice questions
- Cost: $150 USD
- Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect. There is no negative marking.
- Delivery Method: Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored exam.
- Available Language: English
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