HCL Commerce
HCL Commerce is the best enterprise eCommerce solution delivering powerful B2C, B2B and B2B2C customer experiences all on the same platform
Instruction for Business Users, Administrators and Developers, from beginners to experienced users
Register for events and have all of your resources available in one place


Learn on your schedule

Explore in-depth technical content through courses, demos, and hands-on tutorials on your own time. Browse all HCL Commerce courses.

Register for live events

Register for technical webinars and events delivered by Subject Matter Experts that know HCL Commerce inside and out.

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Learning Journey

Learning Journeys

Are you looking for specific content based on your role? Check out the guided learning journeys to help you follow a roadmap.

Let's start your HCL Commerce Learning Journey. Once this foundation course is completed it will open all of the other Learning Journeys!
These Courses are pre-requisite courses and must be taken before starting the Developer or Administrator Courses
Business User learning journey to get started quickly
These courses will walk you thru all of the tasks a developer would need to know
These courses are specially designed for sales and partners and can only be accessed by them
These courses will walk you thru all of the tasks an administrator would own
Want to be able to Build HCL Commerce out in minutes and have a working Sandbox?